How Much Do Dolphins Weigh? | Weight, Length & Other Statistics

Dolphins have been a mystery and a source of fascination for humanity for thousands of years. These amazing animals are members of the order Cetacea or toothed whales. They may belong to the more commonly known family Delphinidae, including all oceanic dolphins, or the family Platanistidae, including the river dolphins. More than 40 species of dolphins …

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Are Killer Whales Dangerous to Humans?

For the most part, killer whales aren’t considered life-threatening/dangerous marine mammals. With that said, they have been known to attack humans on rare occasions, which we’ll explain later in the article. Despite being carnivorous animals, killer whales don’t eat people or generally try to attack them. Nevertheless, it’s not advised to interact with killer whales unless …

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Why Are Whales Endangered? | History and the Current Situation

Several factors contribute to whales’ current endangered status, such as overfishing, pollution, dam/bridge construction, private/commercial boating, and commercial whaling. Still, commercial whaling has significantly affected the endangered status of today’s whale populations. The hunting of whales (by humans) has existed for thousands of years, as far back as prehistoric times. One of the oldest methods …

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