Dolphin Milk

Dolphins with calves produce milk in their mammary glands; dolphins can simultaneously lactate and gestate, so a pregnant dolphin may continue feeding an already-born calf. Dolphin calves typically stay with their mothers for up to five years, and they may nurse for more than a year during that time. The average lactation for dolphin calves …

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Whaling In Antartica

After decades of worldwide conservation efforts, it often comes as a surprise to discover that the hunting of whales continues to this day. Despite the regulatory International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) moratorium on almost all whaling activities, whaling activities persists under various exceptions to the general ban on the practice. The most controversial of these permitted hunts …

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Vaquita Porpoise Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Migration & Reproduction

There are six known species of porpoise in existence today and one such species is the Vaquita porpoise. The Vaquita porpoise joins the other species of the Burmeister, Dall, Finless, Harbour and Spectacled porpoises, with the Vaquita porpoise being the rarest of them all. Most people were not aware of these creatures until the late 20th century because …

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The Pacific Whale Foundation

The Pacific Whale Foundation was founded in 1980 as a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing the extinction of whales. They were among the first to adopt a non-invasive approach to marine research and promoted ocean conservation from a scientific point of view. The primary mission of the Pacific Whale Foundation is to preserve whale populations …

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