The Dolphins Of Florida

The different species of dolphins that can be found in the waters of Florida have long been a popular attraction for residents and visitors of the area alike. Learning a little more about these animals, and the issues that may affect them, can provide you with a deeper appreciation for the natural world as well …

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Dolphin Intellegence

Intelligence as a whole is a loaded issue to consider. It is not easy to compare one individual animal’s intelligence against another within the same species, let alone compare it to an animal of another species. However, if humans take their standards for intelligence and apply it to animals, they may find that dolphins come …

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The White Humpback Whale (Migaloo)

Migaloo loosely means ‘white fella’ in the Aboriginal language of Australia, and it accurately describes the only mature albino humpback whale known to be in existence. Migaloo was first seen on the Australian coast in 1991, and there have been documented sightings of him ever since. humpback whale are so named due to the large …

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Seabird Facts

Seabirds are birds that have adapted to live in or near a saltwater environment. While they range in size, lifestyle, and even general appearance, all seabirds depend upon the ocean or sea for part or all of their livelihood. The most well-known types include penguins, gulls, auks, pelicans, and albatrosses. Physical Characteristics Because each species …

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