Japanese Whaling

Japanese whaling has been a topic of contention among anti whaling groups and organizations for many years. Although the whaling era ended decades ago certain countries such as Japan have been known to continue to hunt these marine mammals, however Japan states that these efforts are not to sell their meat, but for another purpose …

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Whale Research

Whales are an extremely intelligent species that have been around for millions of years. The earliest ancestors to whales can be tracked back to over 50 million years ago when their ancestors walked and hunted on land. In fact traces of their ancestors land dwelling past can still be found in the bones located in their spine and …

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Whale Wars

Whale wars is a weekly American television show that tracks and documents the events of Paul Watson and his crew as they travel through Antarctica and its regions in an attempt to disrupt and stop japanese whaling vessels from capturing various whale species for research and/or other possible uses. Those who operate the whaling vessels state that what they are doing …

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Whale Meat

Whale meat is meat that has been cut from the flesh of whales, usually for consumption by humans. In the past during the whaling era whale blubber was considered a highly profitable substance due to its ability to be turned into an oil and used in various resources such as lamp oils, soaps and transmission …

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