How Artifical Sounds Affect A Dolphins Hearing

As a species dolphins have an excellent sense of hearing and rely largely on sound to navigate the ocean, locate food, maintain awareness of threats, keep track of their children and pod members and communicate to one another. When it comes to communication dolphins communicate using a series high-pitched clicks and whistles, which they produce from their blowhole. These marine mammals …

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How Do Dolphins Stay Warm?

One question that frequently gets asked about dolphins, especially those that live in cold water environments is, how do dolphins stay warm? Since dolphins aren’t born with hair and they live in oceanic environments that are several times as thermodynamically cold conducting as air it is important to understand how dolphins are able to deal …

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Do Dolphins Fart?

Yes, dolphins, like humans and other animals, fart or pass gas. Farting is a trait that is common among all mammals. By passing gas, dolphins, humans, and other animals can expel trapped air and toxic fumes accumulated in their stomachs. Stomachs that eventually build up into the gas that humans and other animals discharge from our …

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How Do Dolphins Have Babies?

When it comes to giving birth and having babies the first step a dolphin takes towards producing offspring begins with the male dolphin courting the female dolphin. During courtship male dolphins will often compete with one another by vocalizing their interests, giving the female dolphins gifts, fighting other males and using other methods in order to attract …

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What Is A Group Of Dolphins Called?

A group of dolphins is called a pod. A dolphin pod consists a group of dolphins that have bonded together either because of biological reasons such as a mother bearing offspring and raising her child or a species such as the killer whale that considers family an integral part of its life, or through friendships developed between two or more dolphins. The …

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