Why Do Whales Beach Themselves?

When it comes to why whales beach themselves scientists haven’t been able to find a clear answer but have had many speculations and ideas as to why this may occur. Whales beaching themselves have been recorded throughout history. In fact historical records indicate that whales have been beaching themselves since at least 300 B.C., however scientists are discovering …

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Dolphin Introduction and Daily Routines

Dolphins belong to the cetacean species and are considered marine mammals. Currently around 40 species of dolphin have been recorded living in the ocean. These marine mammals can vary greatly in size, starting with the smallest known dolphin (Maui’s dolphin) which can grow to an average of 4 ft. long and going all the way up to the largest dolphin (the killer whale) …

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Are Dolphins Mammals?

Yes dolphins are mammals or rather marine mammals. In fact because dolphins are mammals they are warm-blooded, child baring, milk producing animals that require air for survival. While these marine mammals are known to share the ocean with fish for millions of years they are very different from one another and posses unique characteristics that make them …

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Do Dolphins Have Hair?

Yes, some species of dolphin have hair at birth; however, the hair falls out once they are born or shortly after birth. After the hair falls out, hair follicles can still be seen on the dolphin’s face and snout. Dolphins are marine mammals and share several common characteristics among most mammals, one of which is the …

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