How Do Whales Have Babies?

Whales are marine mammals; like most mammals, the female whale carries her offspring in her womb. In almost all cases, the female gives birth to a single offspring every 1 – 6 years. Gestation periods can vary greatly depending on the whale’s species and can be anywhere from 9 to 18 months long! Some whale …

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Are Whales Dangerous?

No, whales aren’t typically dangerous. Actually for the most part whales  are generally curious and friendly oceanic creatures. In some cases they can even be seen approaching boats in an attempt to understand what’s going on. Those that aren’t particularly curious are often solitary and shy. Because whales are too large to be held in captivity and live far …

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Are Whales Cold-Blooded?

No, whales are not cold-blooded animals. Like most marine mammals and land mammals whales are warm-blooded creatures. Most fish and many amphibious species on the other hand are cold-blooded animals. Whales belong to the family known as Cetacea and make up one of three groups within the cetacean species; the other two are dolphins and porpoises. As a whole …

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Do Whales Have Gills?

No, whales don’t have gills; instead they are born with blowholes. Gills are actually a common feature of fish and many other amphibious species, however they are not present in whales or any of the cetacean species (whales, dolphin & porpoises) for that matter. Gills allow many aquatic creatures to extract oxygen directly from the water so …

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