What Is Echolocation?

Echolocation is the ability to observe an environment using sound. The sounds made by animals are sent out into the environment to bounce off of nearby objects and return information about the nearby objects by measuring the amount of time it takes for the sound waves to return. Each sound or echo that is created bounces off of various objects within the …

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What Do Whales Do?

Whales have been studied for decades and scientists have learned a lot about the behavior of whales in their natural habitat. Most species of whale are known to spend their time doing a variety of activities including foraging, migrating, mating, socializing, sleeping and exploring. Not all whales however will engage equally in all of the activities listed above. For example some …

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What Is Length of a Blue Whale?

The blue whale is one of the most amazing animals on this earth. It also happens to be the largest living animal currently in existence. The blue whale is so giant that some researchers and marine biologists believe that the blue whale is the largest animal to have ever roamed the earth. It also includes …

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False Killer Whale Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Migration & Reproduction

The false killer whale is a large dolphin that can be found traveling in tropical waters. While the false killer whale shares specific characteristics with the orca (killer whale), including its appearance and the fact that it also attacks and kills marine mammals, it is not considered a killer whale or even closely related to the killer whale. …

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Common Bottlenose Dolphin Facts | Diet, Migration & Reproduction

The common bottlenose dolphin also referred to simply as “the bottlenose dolphin” belongs to the group commonly known as Cetacea which also includes whales and porpoises. These marine mammals are one of the most well-known species of dolphin in existence. They are very social creatures and will often approach humans out of curiosity. Their high level of …

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