Pink Amazon River Dolphin Facts

The pink amazon river dolphin is one of several colors among the amazon river dolphin species. Other colors for the amazon river dolphin include white, yellow, grey and brown. When these marine mammals are young they go through a phase where their skin tone changes color and as they reach maturity their skin turns to either …

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Do Whales Have Belly Buttons?

Yes, whales do have belly buttons. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises are all born with belly buttons. Whales are marine mammals, and like “almost” all mammals, one of the characteristics they share in common with land mammals is giving birth to live young. The belly button is what is left after the baby whale losses its …

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Are Whales Warm-Blooded?

Yes, whales are warm-blooded marine animals despite living in the ocean and being surrounded by numerous cold-blooded animals such as fish and sharks. As a whole there are around 90 known species of cetacea in existence today. The cetacean family consists of all species of whale, dolphin and porpoises and is divided into two suborders …

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What Color Are Whales?

When it comes to figuring out what color a whale is it is important to understand that there are about 80 – 90 different species of whale, dolphin and porpoise that have been recorded so for and depending on the whales species these marine mammals can vary widely in terms of color, size and shape. Most whales tend to …

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